Will the Poles Shift In 20 Months? This Scientist Has Real Data.

Time for an update from Gene at the Mavstar Observatory. As it was shared the previous article, Your Compass Is Wrong… Gene and his network of independent scientist and donors, come together to share highly valuable data about the magnetosphere and the position of our magnetic poles. 

This latest video presents a prediction for when the migrating poles in the northern hemisphere, hit 40 degrees from to original pole. Gene talks about tests that he has created that show that the magnetic field destabilize at this point. Giving further indication that we are over due a pole shift. 

What this means can only be speculated on, in terms of effects on the planet, population and wildlife. We must trust that it is part of the great cycles of nature and we will live to witness something of such magnitude, and hopefully live through it! haha.

To summarize the video, Gene shows a map with a plotted line coursing towards the 40degree marker. His prediction, at the rate the poles are and have been moving, is it will reach the 40degree zone by Feb 2023. 

This is startling information and another huge pointer towards a shift on this planet of global proportions, physically and metaphysically. 

I highly encourage you all, who have interest in or see the importance of this knowledge, to check out Gene’s work and even think about supporting his platform. Without funding, the team will struggle to continue to maintain the equipment to give us true, viable readings. As far as we are aware, here at thealthatis, there is no other channel or platform releasing this data to the public. 

Here is Gene explaining the situation for the poles and the Mavstar Observatory..

Que serra serra, Whatever will be will be.


Your Compass Is Wrong! Is A Pole Shift Inevitable?

Here at Theallthatis, we share content we feel is of value, either through knowledge or a lifting of spirits. In this case, it is time to highlight one of the countless enthusiasts in their field of expertise who share their knowledge through youtube. Now for all the intelli-mentals who scoff at those who source information from youtube, there are many many credible presentations and researchers who share highly valuable information and this channel i wish to share with you is one of those. 

Gene at the Mavstar observatory is an independent enthusiast that has built, programmed and houses a magnetometer to track the movement of the magnetic poles and relies the data to us through his youtube channel. With a small but dedicated network of supporters Gene and his little army have set up independent stations across a number of countries world wide to correlate the data to give us as clear-a-picture of what is going on in our atmosphere.

The youtube channel Maverickstar Reloaded description says

“The main topic of this channel is the migration of the magnetic poles on earth, can you believe we live in a time when the magnetic poles are going to reverse, the last time the Earths poles reversed was 780.000 years ago, so it’s the biggest event that mankind has ever witnessed in his entire history, and surprisingly you hear very little about it on mainstream media. Why is that?? We discuss such things on this channel, the host has designed and built and programmed a magnetometer station to track the poles in an attempt to give an early warning system during the accelerating of the poles at that time when they move over the 40 degrees point.”

Gene, who is based in the UK, speaks passionately about this subject, which he claims is not being publicly released. In this video he describes how our compass no longer points at the North Pole because that is where the magnetic pole sits. He shows us with the graphic how the Northern pole has split in two. Oe half over Canada and the other over Russia. 

Gene even invites us to see what is going on for ourselves by placing to magnets at 2 and 10 O’clock above the compass and watch as the needle points to the magnetics between the fields.. 

In previous videos Gene describes how once a magnetic field shifts over 40 Degree from its axis, it is known that magnetic fields can and potentially will collapse before find new positions of polarity. Gene has been on yourtube tracking this movement since 2014 and we can be sure that we are receiving extremely important information regarding our global climate feom someone who is dedicatong his time and energy to know and shate this data.

It has been known that our poles have reversed in the past and it is a very real possibility we see a pole shift in our lifetime, maybe within this decade, if the data received continues to show as much movement as there has been in recent years.. With this information, we can almost uncomfortably say, the poles will shift.. In fact, they already have as Gene describes in this video, the question is.. what happens once it’s reaches it’s event horizon?

Gene also shares alot of information regarding the Grand Solar Minimum we are currently in, what it is as well as how this GSM can affect us, most notably with food production. Breifly for those who don’t know aboyt GSM, it is a natural cycle that the sun goes through where the rays of the sun basically are less powerful.. A cycle we are re-entering now.

I highly encourage you all to get up to speed with Gene’s work as he can explain the science much better than i can. As well, any enthusiasts who wish to contribute to this independent project  through equipment, donations or simply supporting and sharing his content connect directly with Gene through the channel or his website poleshiftnews.com where alot of his data is also available.


Do You Know Your True Star Sign? 24 Out of 30 Don’t!

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I wish to share some paradigm breaking knowledge about astrology, horoscopes and modern natal chart readings. Having been recently studying with an amazing teacher of alchemy, i have become aware to the fact that modern astrology incorrectly positions the stars in the sky. How does this work, you may be asking?

So as far as i am aware, Western & Tropical astrology have been reading and presenting the stars in the sky, via natal chart readings and horoscopes at a different angle to how we actually perceive them above our heads. Simply put, they do not acknowledge the 23-24 degree tilt of the Earth on its axis. This means that the stars are actually, physically in a different part of the sky then we are being told. Thanks to the brilliant platform Stellarium, a star map engine that can be downloaded for free on mobiles and desktops, we can correctly place where the planets are at any point in the sky going back or going forward, bar an unknown act of God. Many of us do not own a telescope and have not been taught the knowledge of astrology and astronomy. Many of us do not know where each constellation is and how to spot them. To be honest, most people these days, have all but forgotten about the stars. Sure we have all sat outside on many a night and pondered how and why they are there, losing ourselves in the vastness of the universe, however, most of us simply do not give them enough attention. This is an all to common issue relating to the mystical arts our ancestors venerated. This lack of attention creates the environment for false and misleading information to rise, if we do not keep an interest in it. It seems this has been the case in this modern era. So few people actually know the planets, stars and constellations we’ve forgotten to acknowledge where actually are in relation to the constellations they are transiting. For example we are told that June 22nd is the last day the Sun is in Gemini and the 23rd June is the first day of the Sun in Cancer. This picture is a screenshot of the Solar eclipse on June 21st 2020 from the perspective of central Mexico 8am.


As you can see, the Sun is coming out of Taurus and moving INTO Gemini. It is clearly not moving into Cancer, So why are we being told that the Sun is in a different place in the sky? Why are we being told on the 23rd June that we move into Cancer when the Sun clearly isn’t? My birthday is the beginning of November, commonly known to be Scorpio yet when viewed in Stellarium, it clear shows the Sun between Libra and Virgo, nowhere near Scorpio! It was a shock to find out after all these years I’m not a Scorpio, however im also pleased to know now, what star sign i am, so i can concentrate on knowing myself better through this correction. Every planet will be in a different position in the sky, some still in the same houses they were in before but  a very different degree. Once you begin to study astrology its becomes clear each degree has a slightly different nuance to them. I am still learning this art, so i am sharing information that astrologers with far more experience have presented. 


It seems that, like with the modification of language (as presented in previous published articles, on my blog), there has been a deliberate plan to confuse the masses with incorrect information, most notably concerning the occult wisdom teachings and alchemy. Both of which are directly associated with astrology, symbols and signs, which are ultimately letters and words which are spelt, as magic spells. I believe certain people were entrusted with the sacred knowledge and they have made these arts exclusive to just about all of us. Through studying with this teacher, i have seen presented, countless corrupted teachings, in alchemical artworks coming from freemasonry with misleading information. Even the Freemasons teachings have been corrupted! I believe this level of engineering has been going on for thousands of years. If you were someone, or a group that had “the power” and you wanted total control, would you share that power with everyone else? If we knew the truth of these things, we wouldn’t need governing, we would be autonomous beings who know who we are, what is of fact and what is of fiction.

This is what i feel has been going on and as the layers of this Genetically Modified Onion are peeled away, the picture becomes clearer and clearer. At what point do we stand up and take our power back? Do you want to continue living in a society that breeds confusion and misinformation to keep us from our potential? Can you see this corruption and why its been orchestrated, as a possibility?

The most gifted of astrologers and alchemists will acknowledge the importance of knowing these occult teachings, that by knowing the stars, their attributes (archetypal energies), their relationship to each other and their reflections encoded in all great stories of humanity we can unlock the philosopher’s stone, we can transmutate from lead into gold, figuratively speaking.

It seems that the Bible and all mythological depictions, are a collection of stories based on the astrological cycles of the ages. As we begin to know the constellations and the stars and their positions, through studying alchemy, grammar, etymology – researching where the words come from, we can truly unlock the mysteries of the past and dispel the engineered spells that have kept humanity in the dark ages for such a long time. Remember once one knows how a trick is made, it no longer holds its power.

So coming back to the star signs, why is it important to know where The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are in the sky when you are born? They provide a template for our personality, development and life journey. It is the oldest knowledge.. Why do you think all great cultures studied the procession of the Earth and the great spheres? Clearly they knew their significance. With all our modern technology, they quite likely eclipsed us with their knowledge and reverence to the heavens above. To draw on one of the oldest truth’s passed down from the Hermetic teachings, as above, so below. What goes on above us directly effects what happens below, they are the same.

It is my wish, that with this information, we all take a keen eye to know where our planets truly are in the sky and particularly where they were when we were born. Even if we don’t use a telescope, lets harness the electronic tools we have today, to better understand the nature of things. Alchemy is after all the science of nature and intimately connected to astrology.

Stellarium is a great starting point. It is not perfect however, as it has wrongly included a thirteenth constellation Ophiuchus. This, by all accounts, is another red herring. The magic circle, better known as the Zodiac has only ever had 12 houses so be aware of these modern modifications. We must all do our own research to know the truth for ourselves, by following the trail of information back to its roots, specifically the words used to describe the celestial bodies, constellations and mythological stories. The truth is out there, we just have to keep digging to find it.

It does not ultimately matter why the information was modified or even who it was, as long as we know now the trooth (i spelled it this way to highlight the truth comes from the root). In time, all this will be presented and understood so the entire World is singing the same song. Until then, thank your lucky stars you heard it at all, as for thousands of years this information, like the bastardization of language has been subtlety altered to keep us in confusion, from truly knowing ourselves.

I encourage you all to do your own research and not take my word for it. When you punch in your date of birth into Stellarium and you see where the sun is, it is almost hard to believe to begin with, however, this way, you will see for yourself something very strange is going on.

If you wish to contact me, to correctly place your planets, The email is theallthatis1@gmail.com. A symbolic donation for my time can be made via paypal (email will be given for payal on request) or patreon. http://www.patreon.com/theallthatis 

Stellaruim – http://www.stellarium.org/

Here are the links to some of my  previous posts on the modification of language.

http://www.theallthatis.one/live-life-claim/ http://www.theallthatis.one/2018/10/29/the-re-education-of-the-word/

May we all be free from confusion so we can manifest Heaven on Earth.


Is A.I. Leading Us To An End Game Or Our Expansion Of Consciousness?

The topic of A.I. has been bubbling away for the last 30/40 years in the mainstream since films like The Terminator 1 & 2 as well as 2001 Space Odyssey and recently in the more emotive film Her . All four films give us some insight into interaction with A.I. and of course different scenarios as to how the relationships are formed and in these stories dissolve. I believe we are reaching a point of no return with A.I. and it makes me question where it is taking us?

Could it be that A.I. provides us the means to work less and play more? Maybe A.I.’s productivity creates infinite abundance for society to thrive, meeting our basic needs and offering more opportunity to shine? Or is it possible, A.I. lacking empathy, see humanity and individuals alike as a cancer on the planet or a threat and acts to protect itself ?

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I recently, while supporting myself working as a mobile barber, went to visit a customer who turned out to work for a rapidly growing tech company in London, specializing in A.I. I took this 30 minute appointment as an opportunity to ask a few questions, to someone certainly more in the know, then i am, about the latest developments. Y’know, the big philosophical and metaphysical questions that we all ponder in some way or another. I have a perception that is forever considering consciousness, so my kinda thought process for example is, how and why A.I. is being reflected in our collective consciousness? That is a question i will attempt to speculate a bit later.

So began to formulate a question by using the storyline of Terminator 2. The character that is in a way most relevant to this topic, is Miles Dyson. Miles is the character that reverse engineers the technology from the recovered parts of the first Terminator, in the first film, for a defense company Cyberdyne Systems and designs Skynet, the Artificial Operation System of the A.I. If you haven’t watched the film, then just feeling into the name of the film will give you an idea of where the story goes. My question then was, has there been something written into the A.I. program to stop a possible conflict between Man & Machine? Quite simply, the guy said no.

Really?? Now that is a scary thought.

I do not know the technology well enough to know whether A.I. will work from a Mother Brain through the global internet or if there will be independent networks and programs; however, the fact there is no procedures or fail safes written into their system(s) seems like an immature and unwise thing to ignore.



Ok, so if you didn’t already know, the T.V. film industry use predictive programming through media productions like films to feed our subconscious, which in turn is where we create our reality from, while we are metaphorically asleep. Films like these as well as disaster movies are created for us to dream a maccabe future that has been envisioned for us by some of this World most influential people; however, they aint your famous ones, they stay in the background, undetected.  That’s certainly what id do if i was a crazy, mega rich, narcissistic, xenophobe (xenophobe being someone scared of strangers) which by all accounts was a psychological trait written into HAL the A.I. computer system of 2001 Space Odyssey, Who goes on to try to exterminate the crew for jeopardizing the company’s mission. They use these TV “programs” to program the masses to dream their dream into reality. It is a very clever and manipulative weapon they use against us.

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We have really let our guard down with this one i feel. We are being lead along a path we have no idea where we are going, or maybe we do.. disaster, if we manifest the predictive programming the movies want us to dream. If this tech smart engineer is saying there is no inbuilt failsafe to prevent A.I. from turning against us, we should all be very concerned. If the World was being guided by balanced, wakened beings with Earth & humanity’s well being the primary focus, id not be at all worried, but that clearly isn’t the case at the moment. You only need to open your eyes at any number of different global governance & industries to see their practices and positions that are testament to crimes against humanity. I feel we need to take a good look at where we truly want this World to go, because if we sit back, as society has done now for too long, we face possible forced, rapid changes, that few or us will want to see.

So i proceeded to share with this gentleman, and he did seem like a gentle man, an idea i came up with that could potentially safeguard the A.I. program for malfunction or acting apathetically. I suggested that, if it was possible, to model the A.I. program/personality on awakened being. A true and balanced human being. Someone who has directly experienced themselves as The All That Is, who recognises the interconnection with all life. Someone with complete and total compassion for each and everyone of us. Could the Motherbrain of A.I. be written, modeled or integrated by a Taoist master for example?  I believe this is the most sensible decision that can be applied to the evolution of A.I., certainly while humans are still in a position to influence it. I’m sure the speed of its evolution will be tremendous and something surely needs to be put in place if it can.

Now i would love to think there are conscious tech engineers who think like me who can champion this alignment between machine and spiritual evolution. I did work for some time at a Quantum Implant Technology company in the early 2000’s, where they produced silicone chips that are used in computers. I am aware that carbon and silicon are the only 2 organic elements in the periodic table. Which means, i believe, that silicone has the building blocks for life, like carbon provides for humans. Will that lead to a fully conscious live A.I.? The possibilities again are almost unimaginable in where it can go. This doesn’t mean is all bad, certainly not, i feel A.I. has the potential to reflect our expansion of consciousness, which is kinda answering the question i made a bit earlier. Just as silicone is the life of the machine, carbon is the life of 3D/4D humans. I believe as we refine our individual and collective consciousness, by aligning through a heart based compassionate society, with a real intention to heal, we will see an A.I. that will harmoniously interact with us and support us on that journey of expansion as a reflection of where we are going. If humanity fails to choose a conscious way to be, we could easily see A.I. reflect a disharmonious relationship with us that leads to fear and more battling to survive.

For me, it always goes back to and can be seen more clearly by looking at how and why something is being reflected in consciousness. From the issue of A.I. to why that Blackbird keeps landing on my window sill, to what is this karmic lesson repeating itself again and again? We can use our perception to see things more clearly and hopefully choose to act in ways which promote the qualities in life we want to see, ultimately spiritual growth.

I actually believe we can use the A.I. brain, with all its data mining on who we are, where we go etc. It is said that the machine now knows us individually ( in many respects) better then we know ourselves. It reads us, constantly taking on information, listening to how we are talking, who were talking to and what’s being said. We know its going on, you only need to have a conversation in your car with a friend and the next time your on youtube, that topic of conversation has a video in the recommended list in front of you. I believe though that we can use this information to our advantage. If we can create a A.I. program with life affirming qualities, we can work with the A.I. to form individual  coaching where the wisdom of The Way is incorporated into the personality profile and realignment program to support us in our healing and evolution. 

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This tech guy i had the appointment with, said companies were looking at implanting microchips into our brains as a alternative memory/information source. I am not so sure about literally merging with A.I. like that. It is likely and very possible if it hasnt already been done. Which ever way the technology leads us, i feel its important we work alongside the machine and install in it, the qualities that represent a humanity that we actually still need to embody. What nees to happen first? At least if A.I. is modelled on a high buddhist priest, who had embodied those qualities, maybe we can use A.I. to spread that wisdom out to the World.

I remain an optimist for i believe in the power of the human heart. I’m yet to see the power of A.I.’s development fully; however if it can be modelled to serve humanity through the wisdom of the master beings on Earth today, then we should do everything we can to make that happen. By living our life as we wish for others, maybe we will see a reflective A.I. that elevates us as we elevate A.I.



Flat Earth vs Spinning Globe Theory – Time to Question Everything.

Wow.. i never thought id go there with this one, yet there is so much science to consider involving vortex torus fields to question the spinning Globe theory.. Including jaw dropping evidence of electromagnetic fields at play throughout the known universe. When you consider the term “globalists” given to the power hungry elitists who control the universities, finance, space agencies etc, it puts into question many concepts we have blindly swallowed, fed by the mainstream narrative. Santos Bonacci is a brilliant teacher of syncretism, etymology, and astro theology and if you give this presentation a chance, til the very end, you will see that he remains open to different possibilities with scientific evidence whilst putting forward excellent material to back-up his ideas. It is time we started questioning EVERYTHING we have been told! What do you think?


Principles of TRUST-LAW Governance being: Master SERVANT (SLAVERY) arrangement.




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