Are We About To See Prophecy & Disclosure Revealed?

Hot off the heels of our most recent post Will The Poles Shift in 20 Months? , this One feels to share further suggestive insights from a recent Quantum Hypnosis Healing session by Allison Coe.

In this article i will give a summary of the video as well as Allison´s work, linking it to the information i shared yesterday about the magnetic poles.

This One has been aware of Allison since 2018 and found this audio rather fortuitously, as is often the case. Allison, for those who are not familiar with her work, is a hypnosis facilitator out of Portland Oregon, who once trained with the great hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. I believe Allison has gone on to adapt the QHHT technique made famous by Dolores. Back in 2017/2018 she began releasing information, with her clients permission, of her sessions, particularly those which spoke of an Event, or a flash of light. In these videos people talked about the “New Earth”, experiencing a flash of light during the day and others being on the other side of this shift. Allison however, did come under some criticism from the more skeptical viewers for these videos back in 2018.

Having received a QHHT session from a dear friend and author Senya Uctzecmen, this One felt the profoundity of the experience within the session and can vouch for the technique.

Allison does a great job of lovingly guiding her clients through their experiences whilst extracting vivid information by her explorative questioning.

What is the information you may be asking..

Well for sure this One suggests watching the video. finding a quiet place to be while you let Allison guide you on this phopetic journey her client goes on. To summarize, as any informative article must do, the client describes a few situations that arise. I will write them in a linear order of events, as the transcript of the session jumps about a bit. So her it goes…

It is shared that in July of this year 2020, the pentagon releases information, potentially related to UFO´s. As this information goes global, more and more information is released, which starts an avalanche of info/disclosure. As the weeks and months fly by with daily paradigm breaking news, people come together to support each other as things start to turn ever more uncertain.. At some point during this fall out, things look to become chaotic. It is described as a storm. However the account says, as things become violent, the ships (UFOs) will appear. This is said to be in 2022. It goes on to say that some will go onto the ships while most will stay.. Within days of these landings a great flash of light will stun the planet and population by a CME. Everyone will be affected by the light, some will recover very quickly and begin helping others who are left unable to do anything other than absorb this huge influx of light.

I will at this point share on of my poems that was published in November 2020 that predicts this very event in 2022, in a simplistic, tongue and cheek style… The book itself is, available on Amazon paperback in certain territories, not only is it a channeled collection of prophecy, it is also a book of magic spells that is quite unlike any other book in existence, in this One’s eyes. Be sure to follow the links to order yourself a copy and also support both Allison and Gene in their efforts to continue to do what they do best.

Why then is this of importance in relation to yesterdays article, is… that with weakening magnetic fields around our planet, we are ever more susceptible to CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejection) or solar flare/flash from the Sun, which is what the flash of light is said to be on the transmission. We must acknowledge that the information Gene is sharing is an estimation at the current migration rate.. This does not take into account a potential quickening of this movement as the fields move further apart. This is a real and soon to be present situation. We do not know what will happen once the poles hit that 40 degree zone however, the potential for a major CME would increase dramatically if our magnetic fields were gone or unstable at least. This One so far, is not an expert in magnetics even though there is a unusual interest in it.. (look out for future articles on Ken Wheeler, he is an expert in the field and many others) so i look to others with greater experience to predict how the poles would react after a displacement.. By all accounts Gene has a video from some years ago, on his channel Maverickstar Reloaded, sharing his findings from these exact experiments.. If i find them i will add them to the article.

So, if what this hypnosis session suggests, is close to the unfolding timeline we experience, we are in for one major ride. A mix of uncertainty, fear and excitement is felt considering these events playing out. Life as we know it, in this post modern era will likely end and a new dawn will begin.. One prophecised by countless cultures, that brings back balance, love and unity to the planet and it’s people.. Oh that would be such a dream come true.

It comes to mind to recall a channelling by Kryon that describes the Pleadies going through a similar and equally challenging liberation, from the same forces. Lost in the archives of “time” & memory, again, if the community wish to share links so that others can see a potential bigger picture, i highly encourage you all to use this article as a ongoing thread of information.

For now, enjoy the transmission, keep one eye on the skies and the other on the mainstream news.


Record Schumann Resonance Spike 150hz! 03/16/19

Earth’s frequency peaks to record high 150hz!


I believe, in the last 24 hours we have been witnessing unprecidented changes on Mother Earth.. According to the latest schumann readings (the Earth’s vibrational frequency) we have had a sustained 24 hours of exceptionally high frquencies.. At 2am on the 17th March the readings spiked at 150hz.. To put that into context, back in 2017 the Earth’s frequencies had spiked to a record high of 36hz.. as you can see this latest energetic increase has intensified dramatically.. It is said the normal rate that Earth resonates at is 7.83hz..

So what is causing this huge uptick in frequency?

What does this mean interms of our day to day experience?

It has been talked about amongst spiritual circles, mediums, channelers and hypnotherapists that the middle of March, like was reported last year, is a time of great energetic shifts coming from the Central Sun. They have been called Ascension Energies, Rainbow Waves, Solar Flashes. It is said that We are currently passing through a intense photon belt which is filled with highly charged light photons which are seemingly increasing the Earth’s frequency. Having been following closely these discussions, since the build up to last years March Equinox. Clearly we are in some very powerful moments again. Some sensitive people, this time last year experienced what had been termed “The Event” over the weekend of the 17th-18th March 2018. I do not believe in coincidences and therefore i’m not surprised to see these readings that have been recently released.

As for the daily experience of these energetic spikes, we may feel a lot of emotion moving through us, we may have testing times and relationships as we are shown the parts of ourselves that are in need of attention and love.. i believe we are being prepared for our individual awakening process into a 5D timeline/experience where all traumas are bought to the surface, recognized and healed for us to vibrate in higher realms, where manifestation is mastered at will, telepathy becomes the norm and a deep knowing of the relationship between The Self and the Whole of existence is experienced.

For now, is advised to rest as much as possible, drink fresh purified water if available. Find quiet moments to go within, practice whatever activities you feel bring you to a place of Zen, light a candle and acknowledge the changing cycles of life, being grateful for the return of the Light and new life emerging with the Equinox just a few days away.. Come into balance with the seasons, with Mother Earth as we ride these uplifting energies through this transformational year.


To follow the latest schumann resonance readings bookmark the link below

My Awakening Pt5 – Written in the Stars.

In this video i share intimately about the connection with Giselle and the realization we were to conceive a child in 2016 through pre birth communication information.Witnessing a tornado, experiencing tantric love making and Spiritual name changing. Eventually conceiving Uma under the volcanos of Lake Atitlan.


Retreats –

Patreon –

What is… Ascension & The Event?

In this video i would like to give some personal reflections on what ascension and The Event are to me. Having spent a large part of the last 3-4 years researching, taking on information from many sources, i feel guided to share my perspectives to those looking for answers. I will share links to the main articles from


The Event –

Facebook –…

Retreats –

Patreon –

My Awakening: Part 3 – The Event & making the jump!

In part 3, i discuss how i came to know about The Event, and the synchronisities around it, what The Event is and how it fueled my inner drive to pursue this deep longing for living the truth. Which lead to my departure from England to find…? i wasn’t sure.

Sadhguru’s enlightenment experience –

Separation Ascension Energies – Part 2

I wanted to share some more on the separation game, what it is and how i have experienced it in my life. Also i share a little about the Event energies and how these reflections of separation that we are experiencing are being mirrored globally and how each new wave coming through is bringing up these different flavors of shadow work to be seen, loved and released.


My Awakening: Pt2 – The Empowerment

In this video i share about the empowerment i was feeling during the first year after waking up. Spiritual practice of yoga and meditation, discovering Spirit Science and Drunvalo Melchizedek. Recognizing the beginnings of the spiritual inner work and empowering myself to make a leap of faith from the comfortable World i knew into the unknown.



The Present – Truth Contest book:

Spirit Science Hidden Human History Movie:

Drunvalo’s ATIH workshop:

Ascension Energies – Mother/Father Separation. April 2018

A short video talking about the recent energies ive been experiencing along side many other lightworkers. The perceived separation from the Mother/Father archetype i feel is paying out very strongly at the moment. In fact im hearing, after i made the video, that there is another energetic Event wave throughout the week between 24th – 1st May. I can agree this week has been very strong. My own turn of events came to a head on Wednesday 25th, having the separation experience, from my children. where i am no longer aloud to see the family.

We must remember to become aware of the mirroring of these events and what they are showing us.. Many of us lightworkers came from “broken” families”, experiencing life early on with this perception of separation.. This is coming up for us know to look at, accept, love and let go of.

It is the end of time and with it the end of the illusion of suffering and separation. Stay strong, for it gets darkest before dawn.


Ascension Codes For The New Earth

cropped-blog-background-2.jpgRemove torment

80 5 30 50 700 5°  100 50 80 30 5 40  100 = 1275 = twin planet = 1275

Remove testment

80 5 30 50 700 5°  100 5 90 100 30 5 40 100 = 1340 = in an y event = 1340

a) remove tora net =1246

80 5 30 50 700 5° 100 50 80 1°  40 5 100 = 1246 = forever immortal = vertical ascension = 1246

b) Sacla x brothership to mothership =1497

90 31 20 1°  300°  2 80 50 100 8 5 80 90 8 9 60°  100 50°  30 50 100 8 5 80 90 8 9

60=1497=day of new ark=1497

c) c lock shadow souls =1589

3° 20 50 3 10°  90 8 1 4 50 900° 90 50 200 20 90 =1589 = the galactic center and jupiter= an entire different world = 1589

d) i mandatora event o port =1506

9° 30 1 40 4 1 100 50 80 1°  5 700 5 40 100°  50°  60 50 80 100 = 1506=extinction event= return to yourself=this is the end of all the devils=1506

e) clared at ice ceed eden pin =411

3 20 1 80 5 4°  1 100°  935° 3 5 5 4°  5 4 5 40° 60 9 40=411=great sophia=gods taking home=411

f) see eden deep in pi =346

9 5 5°  5 4 5 40°  4 5 5 60°  9 40° 60 9=346=the center=gaia ascension=the great i am

g) transport nova gaia =1410

100 80 1 40 90 60 50 80 100°  40 50 700 1°  7 1 9 1=1410=first taken of the saved=a twin soul=1410

h) Awake in subtle rota in end = 1712

1 900 1 10 5°  9 40°  90 200 2 100 20 5°  80 50 100 1°  9 40°  5 40 4=1712=her holy door=holy grail destroyed magic mirror=key to the word=1712

i) relax in code clare ced at i =748

80 5 20 1 300°  9 40°  3 50 45°  3 20 1 80 5°  3 5 4°  1 100°  9=748=return home=galactic spiral of creation=my mission=i am the holy grail=748

j) off disc conected =378

50 6 6°  4 9 90 3°  3 50 40 5 3 100 5 4 =378=process=its all in place=rename logos=this one final






Ascension codes


Principles of TRUST-LAW Governance being: Master SERVANT (SLAVERY) arrangement.




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